Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Pitch:

Roxelana was the most seductive, powerful, egotistical, intriguing, manipulative and enigmatic woman of the early sixteenth century. History had never known anyone of such beauty and cunning.

She was fabulous.

Yet very few know her story...
                                                                     * * *

Europe is in turmoil under the oppressive rule of the Hapsburgs and the incessent raids of marauding Tartar Warriors. Can the forces of The Ottoman Empire ensure the promised Renaissance? Istanbul, the eye of the Ottoman Sultanate and considered to be the centre of the Universe is the largest and most cosmopolitan city in the world. It is intoxicating and vibrant. But it is also a metropolis of mis-placed trust, of decadence, run by a sexually-charged, drug-riddled beaurocracy. And in the middle of this city, high on an imposing promontory is the fabled Topkapi Palace - the Seraglio of Sultan Suleyman Khan - the Shadow of God on Earth. Within its multitude of gazel-filled courtyards, along its secluded arcades and twisting down through its labyrinth of corridors to the solidly locked doors of the Sultan's Harem are secrets and whispers that promise death by strangulation to some - and absolute power to others. It is in this world that a simple peasant girl, abducted by Tartars and sold into slavery, captured the heart of the greatest Ottoman Sultan and rose to control the largest armies on Earth from within the gilded cage of Topkapi Harem. But does she know that there are those who would see her dead? And yet another, who's undying love, if revealed, would lead to the destruction of all her well laid plans?

The story of Roxelana has remained hidden for centuries and needs to be told.

It is about someone we should all be acquainted with intimately.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What other authors are saying about P.J.Parker's novel ROXELANA AND SULEYMAN:

•A vibrant historical with well-developed characters. Impeccable attention to detail. Arresting settings. Lively dialogue. Opulent narrative. Well thought out plot. Splendid writing.
•PJ, great pace. Well-researched, well-written. Your main characters have emotional depth; A & D come alive.
•Ok, I got all the way to Chapter 29 when I realized I was still reading …. I really got caught up in all of this--you've captured the essence of several cultures and your descriptions are superb. Plus, the story is just too good to stop reading.
•The narrative voice is strong and authoritative, and the research is impressive. Sentences do not go on and on and the choice of words is adequate to what is being conveyed.
•Not my genre, I'm afraid, but I read enough to admire your command of language and appreciate the pace and excitement generated.
•This is a powerful read words just seem to explode of the page and push us forward until the last page.   
•I find this compelling. The historical elements are an education in themselves and an eye-opener. It was a pleasure following Aleksandra's story so far.
•A magnificent rich pageant of historical fiction. Lush, dramatic and so very, very readable, 
•Fascinating story, and you tell it very well. The opening scenes with the Tartars attacking were described so vividly, I felt I was there. …, your careful research into the history and geography of the period is evident. The book makes an exciting read and should do well here.
•Roxelana and Suleyman is an enthralling historical novel which has benefited from your extensive research. Backed with enthusiasm.
•A fascinating look into a world I don't know much about. You do a great job of describing the environment and setting. I can envision it as I read. Aleksandra is a great main character, strong, determined, and definitely intriguing. She's one you can't help but love and follow on her journey. Great job with this, the start is intense and sets the stage well for what is to come.
•You bring the reader into the heart of the Tartar attack and its aftermath very well. Relationships are quickly established and we immediately feel for Aleksandra and her situation. You get inside her head very well and we see with her eyes the unfolding dilemmas. Well-crafted and engaging, evidence of historical research adds authenticity.
•P.J., you've created quite a story, with fascinating historical detail of the Ottoman Empire. The raids on the village are presented in terrifying clarity and detail, with Aleksandra and brave Dariusz, and her proud Father. A mighty opus, indeed, and backed with every good wish for your success.
•Thrilling from the first moment. An intriguing tale with much to keep the reader captivated. 
•So unique and well written - obviously you have spent time, research and passion in writing this novel. Backed with pleasure.
•An excellent interpretation. Well written, good strong characters and a lavish intriguing story, backed with pleasure.
•You have written a very interesting and unique historical storyline, which I do like, and created a most memorable main character in Aleksandra. The dialogue is realistic and well written and the pace of your story flows well. All of this along with your descriptive writing makes your work a pleasure to read.
•A great beginning with plenty of impetus, which carries the reader into a world much larger than Alexandra's valley. It flows nicely, nothing seems out of place. You have picked some great characters to work with, I think you have done a fine job of evoking the feel of place and time.
•Exciting, right from the start. The wonderful writing pulls the reader along to face the horrific situation along with the young girl.
•An interesting fictionalized account of the life of a much-neglected historical character and episode, and a good depiction of what it was like to be captured by Tartar raiders.
•This is a very powerful piece of writing and must be based on extensive research. There does seem to be a gap in the market for this era of historical fiction so it should do well. Your characters are believable and the dialogue, often, a big letdown with historical writing, never jars. I am very impressed by the authority of the work and will back you without hesitation.
•I was riveted to my seat with this. A story should transport the reader from their own mundane reality into the exotic and show them other worlds to challenge their own conceptions. You have achieved this perfectly. I knew this story but by the names of Roxanne and Suleiman. Your research has probably shown that we corrupted the names years ago. An excellent read set in a tempestuous time, well done.
•I appreciate the way you begin with action, filling in the character as we go. You have some really great sentences here with obvious attention paid to word choice.
•You seem to have a fascinating tale. You have a vivacious vocabulary and I wish you luck with your endeavour.
•I love the way you write. Your ability with words to craft an original read is amazing. The characters have decided to take up permanent residence but i will insist they leave soon to go home. ha!
•Dear PJ. I absolutely love your writing style. You have a wonderful turn of phrase that I found irresistible. Great yarn, too!

Topkapi Palace